Essay on Cow – Cow Essay for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Find paragraph, long and short essay on Cow for Students.

Essay on Cow

Short Essay on Cow

Essay on Cow in English

Cow is a very famous and important domestic animal. It is a pet animal and many people keep her in their houses for many purposes. We always respect cow and be very kind to her. Cow is considered by the Hindu people as a mother and called as the Gau Mata. It gives us nutritious milk.

The cow is considered as the holiest animal among all the animals. It is found in different shapes and sizes. It has a large body, four legs, two horns, two ears, two eyes, one long tail, one big nose, one big mouth, and one head. Cow eats green grasses, grains, food, hay, and other things. We can make curd, ghee, cheese, butter, various types of sweets, paneer, khoya and so many things from the cow milk.

It is found in almost all countries of the world. It is a very gentle animal by nature. Cow is worshiped in India as a goddess from the ancient time. Cow’s milk is used in the pooja, abhishek, and other holy purposes. Cow milk makes us strong and healthy. The doctor always advises the patient to drink cow’s milk. We should never hurt cows and give them proper food and water timely.

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