PTE Reading Fill In The Blanks

Fill In The Blanks PTE Reading Practice Questions

Fill In The Blanks PTE Reading Practice
Written by Superman

Fill In The Blanks PTE Reading Practice Sample – For each question, fill in the blanks in 60 seconds. The answer will follow after each question.

Fill In The Blanks PTE Reading Practice Mock Test

Fill In The Blanks PTE Reading Practice

Fill In The Blanks PTE Reading Practice Samples


Question 1 – Fill In The Blanks PTE Reading Practice Question

treated, components, exhibit, localized, patterns, characteristic

Field patterns are (1)__________ patterns of how disturbances react to changing conditions. Because field patterns (2)__________ characteristics of both propagating waves and (3)__________ particles, field pattern theory may answer some of the questions posed by quantum mechanics, in which objects can be (4)__________ as both particles and waves. First author Graeme Milton further posits that field (5)__________ could describe the natures of the fundamental (6)__________ of matter in the universe.

Answers – 1. characteristic 2. exhibit 3. localized 4. treated 5. patterns 6. components


Question 2 – Fill In The Blanks PTE Reading Practice Question

underlying, predict, completely, surprisingly, fact, sociological

Pattern formation in physical, biological, and (1)__________ systems has been studied for many years. Despite the (2)__________ that these subject areas are (3)__________ diverse, the mathematics that describes (4)__________ patterns in these systems can be (5)__________ similar. Mathematical tools can be used to study such systems and (6)__________ their patterns.

Answers – 1. sociological 2. fact 3. completely 4. underlying 5. surprisingly 6. predict


Question 3 – Fill In The Blanks PTE Reading Practice Question

model, extend, starting, burglars, equations, discrete

Using two (1)__________ models, one modeling the attractiveness of individual houses to (2)__________ and other modeling burglar movement, the authors of the UCAS study developed a continuum (3)__________ based on a system of parabolic differential equations. Using this system as a (4)__________ point, the authors apply bifurcation theory, or the analysis of a system of ordinary differential (5)__________ under varying conditions, such as social or economic conditions of a neighborhood, to (6)__________ the scope of analysis.

Answers – 1. discrete 2. burglars 3. model 4. starting 5. equations 6. extend


Question 4 – Fill In The Blanks PTE Reading Practice Question

suggest, evaluated, arriving, native, conclude, recently

NASA’s spacecraft (1)__________ detected organic-rich areas on Mars. Scientists (2)__________ the geology of the regions to (3)__________ that the organics are most likely (4)__________to the dwarf planet. Data from the spacecraft (5)__________ that the interior of Mars is the source of these organic materials, as opposed to (6)__________ via impacting asteroids or comets.

Answers – 1. recently 2. evaluated 3. conclude 4. native 5. suggest 6. arriving


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