Largest Economies in the World 2050 – Each year, price water house Coopers predicts the largest economies in the world in the year 2015. Each prediction shows a dramatic shift in the global balance of power. Right now, the United States of America is the largest economy in the world. By far, Japan is the third economy in the world. Germany, France, and the United Kingdom are at the numbers 4,5 and 6. Italy is the number 8. Canada is the number 10. Thus, the world economy is dominated by Western countries. All of that is going to change drastically in the years to come. Here are the 10 largest economies in the world in the year 2050 according to Pricewater house Coopers.

Top economies in the world
Largest Economies in the World 2050
The size of the economies will be measured in normal GDP which stands for Gross Domestic Product. This is the value of all products and services as delivered in a given year. The top 10 largest economies in the World in the year 2050 will contain some familiar countries and some unexpected countries. With the GDP of 5.1 trillion “U.S dollars”, Russia will still be in top 10 economies in the World in the year 2050. In 2050, United Kingdom will have a GDP of 5.4 trillion U.S dollars just enough for spot number 9 in the list of top 10 economies of the world in the year 2050. The British economy will keep growing in the next decades because of its strong ties to the United States of America.
With the GDP of 5.6 trillion U.S dollars, Mexico is the solid and unexpected member of the top ten economies in the world in the year 2050. Today, Mexico is the 15th largest economy in the world, it means the Mexico economy is going to quite lead in the next decades. Its strong relation with its neighbor U.S.A contributes to its 8th spot in the list.
GDP of 6.1 trillion U.S Dollars, Germany sets its solid marks on this list. Germany has one of the strongest economies in the world for two centuries now especially as of the 1950’s. In the first two decades after the World War 2, the German economy grew with an impressive trend. The result was that the German economy was the third economy in the world for decades. Thanks to its strong industrial and technological lead and its strong focus on export products all over the world. Germany will most likely to remain in the top ten economies of the world over 2050.
Most powerful country in the world in 2050
At number six – Brazil with the GDP of 6.5 trillion U.S Dollars. Thanks to its growing productivity, large population and abundance of large natural resources. So Brazil is not likely to leave top ten positions anytime during the 21st century. Japan occupies spot number 5 with 6.8 trillion U.S dollars. Japan has been the 2nd largest economy in the world for decades and it took China until 2010 to surpass the Japanese economy. In 2050, Japan will remain in the top ten economies of the world during 2050.
Number 4 – Indonesia with 7.3 trillion U.S Dollars surprised everybody. Right now Indonesia is at the 16th spot. It means the Indonesian economy is going to make a huge lead in next few decades. Thanks to its growing productivity and the large reserve of natural resources and its huge population, Indonesia is likely to be the strongest economies in the world in the 22nd century.
Top Economies in the World
Number 3 – India with 28 U.S Dollars. India occupies the third spot in the largest economies in the world in the year 2050. India is not so much equipped with natural resources, like example as of Russia and Indonesia. It relatively has small landmass but its population is beyond any other country. As of next year, India will surpass China as the most populated country on the Earth. India is very likely to remain the most populated country for the next century. India’s exports are showing remarkable results so that’s why it ends up at spot 3.
Number 2 – The United States of America is at second position with the GDP of 34 trillion U.S dollars. Now it is the top powerful economy of the world will no longer be number one. At the end of 2050, the USA lost their title. According to Pricewaterhouse Coopers, they will lose the title of the strongest economy of the world in the year 2030.
In 2050, China will be the strongest economy of the planet. The only question is how much bigger it will be then the U.S.A economy. Pricewaterhouse Coopers predicts Chinese economy to be 50 trillion U.S Dollars in the year 2050.
If the predictions of Pricewaterhouse Coopers are correct, combined India and Chinese economy will be twice as big as the American economy in the year 2050.