Retell Lecture PTE Task – Listen carefully to the lectures, they are about a minute long. Take a notebook and pen, and write down important points by means of keywords, names, names of places, years and numbers. Also, note down important developments. After listening to the lecture, re-tell the lecture in 40 seconds. Use your notes as a guide. Share your own answer through comment box.
Retell Lecture PTE Examples

PTE Retell Lecture Practice Questions
Listen to the following audio and retell lecture in your own words.
TRANSCRIPT (Only for reference, it will not be given in actual PTE Academic Test)
Before we start our first lab, I would like to tell you a little bit about the workbook we will be using. The first thing I would like to point out is that the workbook contains a very large amount of material. Far more than you could ever handle in a single semester. What you are supposed to do is choose the experiments and activities that you want to do within a certain framework of course. Part of my job is to help you make your choices. Next, I would like to mention that in each workbook chapter there are usually two subsections.
The first is called experiments and the second is called activities. In the experiment section, the workbook gives full instructions for all the experiments including alternate procedures to the procedure you wish. There are plenty of equipment available. In the activity section, you will find suggestions for projects that you can do on your time. You will see that there are usually no detailed instructions for the activities. You are supposed to do them your own way. If there are no questions let’s turn to chapter one now.
Answer –
(Answer Transcript) – The lecturer described about the workbook the class needs to be used for their first lab. There are two subsections of the workbook namely experiments and activities. In the experiments section, the workbook gives instructions about experiments and alternative procedures. On the other hand, in the activity section, there are suggestions on projects but no detailed instructions on activities which are supposed to be done by students in their own way. In conclusion, the experiments section is to teach students while the activity section is for their own innovation.
More Retell Lecture PTE Practice Material
2. – Listen to the following audio and retell lecture in your own words.

NOTE: (Transcript is given for reference and practice purpose only, it will not be given in PTE Academic test)
This class is about the post-emancipation African American experience. It is about American history. And I hope that point is frankly very obvious, but one never quite understands or can anticipate all of these things. It is about American history fundamentally. At its course, at its core excuse me, the course is about citizenship, the most important keyword for the entire class. The course is about citizenship, how one becomes a citizen, what one does to preserve that citizenship. At its core then, the class asks the question: what does it mean to be American? Now I will ask this question explicitly a few times in the class, but it implicitly is woven through so much of what I’m going to be talking about. What does it mean to be American?
The lecture explains that the class is about the post-emancipation African American history, which in a broader way is about the American history. The course will explore topics like citizenship and what is being an American actually involved.
3. – Listen to the following audio and retell lecture in your own words.

NOTE: (Transcript is given for reference and practice purpose only, it will not be given in PTE Academic test)
Let me go to Hemingway and talk a little bit about him, in many ways as a kind of gateway or a guide to a global vision of American literature. Hemingway was very much a world traveller. Basically, you can get a map of the world by just looking at his writings, but he had a special love of the Spanish language. So For Whom The Bell Tolls–we’ll be reading this in class-is about the Spanish Civil War. And Hemingway was there as a war correspondent, but we can see that he actually got into combat situations right here. It’s really interesting to think about Hemingway as both a journalist and also a novelist.
The global dimension of Hemingway, but also the global dimension of the Spanish Civil War itself. It was a civil war, it was between two sides fighting in Spain, but it was also very much an international war in the sense that Russia was a part of it, Germany was a part of it, Italy was a part of it. It very much was a gathering of a lot of nations converging on the soil of Spain and fighting.
The lecture is about the Hemingway and his global vision as shown in his literature. Hemingway love to travel and ride about various countries but they especially loved the Spanish language. He wrote “So For Whom The Bell Tolls” a book on Spanish civil war. He was a part of this civil war as a journalist but got involved in it much more than that just like Hemingway ridings Spanish civil war was also a global event as it involved Russia, Germany and Italy as well.
4. – Listen to the following audio and retell lecture in your own words.

NOTE: (Transcript is given for reference and practice purpose only, it will not be given in PTE Academic test)
Let me remind you what we had started to talk about. The class is organized into three fairly specific topics. The first of which is extrasolar planets. Planets around stars other than the sun. Exoplanets, so-called. That’s our topic. One of the things that I pointed out last time is that, surprisingly enough, very–until ten years ago none of these were known. And it’s only a very recent development that there’s any actual evidence that these things exist. So, one question you might ask is why are these things so hard to find? The science fiction folks seem to have no trouble; they just sort of go around in their spaceships and find these things all over the place.
And to consider that question let me show you a picture. Here’s a picture of a star. This is the star Sirius. It’s the brightest. It’s a blow-up obviously of a photograph plus a little Photoshopped arrow. That’s not a celestial object So, this is a blow-up of a photograph of the star Sirius. Sirius is the brightest star in the sky to the–easily visible with the naked eye. In fact, as I say, the brightest star. It’s one of the closest stars. It’s a little bit brighter than the Sun intrinsically, but it’s ten light years away or so.
Sample Answer is HereThe lecture is about exoplanets which is one of the three our topics that the class is structured into. Exo plants have become known in the last ten years only, they are quite hard to find and the lecturer explains this by giving the example of Sirius which is the brightest star in the sky and actually closes to us but even that is ten light years away.