PTE Summarize Spoken Text – Hear audio file first and then summarize the same in about 50 – 60 words. The task is of 10 minutes. Here is Summarize Spoken Text PTE – Practice Questions With Answers.
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Summarize Spoken Text PTE – Practice Questions With Answers
1. Summarize Spoken Text PTE – Listen to the audio and summarize it in your own words.
TRANSCRIPT (Only for reference, it will not be given in PTE Academic Test)
I mean if you think about it and you imagine money and so anybody listening to this now and you say ok draw me a mental picture of money people still generally think of notes and coins or even gold where as of course 98% of money in circulation in Britain today and
Read full transcriptSo once you start thinking of money in more abstract terms and you start thinking its not just notes and coins its actually just a series of claims then you begin to understand that money has a kind of dynamic quality and its more like a verb than a noun actually, that money is actually just a series of claims that move between people.
Click Here For SummaryPeople usually associate money with coins and notes whereas 98% of money in circulation in countries such as Britain and Germany is in other forms. Money is actually a series of claims that move between people and these claims are usually facilitated by plastic cards of one form or other.
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2. Summarize Spoken Text PTE – Listen to the audio and summarize it in your own words.
TRANSCRIPT (Only for reference, it will not be given in PTE Academic Test)
This sort of weather – cloudy but light, appreciate the sun is out there somewhere, I would at home be able to run my washing machine of the power that you get off the roof at this time. Solar is not just about PV, solar energy produces the wind as well and produces the bio gas that can provide the backup to both wind and PV.
Read full transcriptPV provides power when we need it most. It peaks as we all know about midday when the sun is highest in the sky and that’s actually when the demand for electricity is at its most when we are cooking lunch and in Germany they have shown that it not ony peaks at the right time but the PV power follows the shape of demand. At the moment in Germany around noon at time of peak demand when electricity is actually most expensive the PV that they get has reduced the price, the wholesale price of electricity on the grid considerably.
Click Here For SummarySolar is much more than just PV as it also includes energy produced by wind and the biogas. However, PV provides power when it is needed most such as when cooking lunch because at that time the sun is at the highest in sky. PV Power has been responsible for bringing down the price of electricity in countries such as Germany.
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3. Summarize Spoken Text PTE – Listen to the audio and summarize it in your own words.
TRANSCRIPT (Only for reference, it will not be given in PTE Academic Test)
So we walked up to north side of the square, what is it in particular that takes your interest here? Well i wanted to show you the bust above the entrance doorway.
Read full transcriptThe reason that he is here is because this part of Somerset house which is called the strand block when it was built from the 1770s through to the 1790s it was purpose built to be the home of three learned societies. They were the Royal society, the society of antiquaries so they were essentially historians and the Royal academy of arts which was just a very new organisation just a few years old at the time which looked after architecture, sculpture and painting. The Royal society were housed on this side and that’s why they chose lsaac Newton who had been dead for about 50 years by then.
The courtauld institute of arts has a bust of English scientist Isaac Netwton above the entrance doorway. This part of the institute was once the home of three societies – Royal society, society of antiquaries and Royal academy of arts. Since the Royal society was on this side of the premises they chose to erect a bust of lsaac Newton.
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4. Summarize Spoken Text PTE – Listen to the audio and summarize it in your own words.

TRANSCRIPT (Only for reference, it will not be given in PTE Academic Test)
Again, still in the interest of recapping, this particular game is called the Prisoners’ Dilemma. It’s written there, the Prisoners’ Dilemma. Notice, it’s Prisoners, plural. And we mentioned some examples last time. Let me just reiterate and mention some more examples which are actually written here, so they’ll find their way into your notes. Read full transcript
Click Here For SummaryThe lecture is about the game called prisoner’s dilemma, essentially it is about how in a joint project such as a group homework assignment people can share individual responsibility. This happens because individuals might have an incentive to actually not to departs. This happens in other areas such as price competition between firms where one firm can feel it has incentive to price lower than competative. Eventually it can result in both firms making less profits. This is also seen with other common resouces such as fish stock and atmosphere.
5. Summarize Spoken Text PTE – Listen to the audio and summarize it in your own words.

TRANSCRIPT (Only for reference, it will not be given in PTE Academic Test)
So I have to confess that like this story a lot, but I actually like drama on a smaller scale. So “Bernice Bobs Her Hair” is actually my favorite story among the Fitzgerald stories. And I hope that you’ll see why. It’s about reversion to an original type and an unknown future. Fitzgerald, l think, really liked the story as well this is the story that is featured on the cover of the collection of short stories Flappers and Philosophers. Read full transcript
SAMPLE RESPONSE: Click Here For Summary The lecture is about one of its child stories called “Bernice Bobs Her Hair”. It is the story that the lecturer likes a lot and thinks his kids like it too. As is featured on the cover of the one of the short story collections. The story is about the girl named Bernice, who cuts off her hair and makes changes, essentially becoming as a flapper – a term used for the people who were short hair and wear short skirts in the 1920s. What bernice does is turns out to be wrong hair stuff for her and because of that her love interest go away from her. 6. Summarize Spoken Text PTE – Listen to the audio and summarize it in your own words. TRANSCRIPT (Only for reference, it will not be given in PTE Academic Test) Now, while this development was taking place we need to take a look at what was happening back in the Greek world on the mainland, and chiefly I think we should focus on Athens at this time. There was right after the Persian War, as I said a few words about it before, a rising competition for a place of standing in the Greek world. Read full transcript SAMPLE RESPONSE: The lecturer talks about the Greece in the power struggle between Athens and Spartans. Before the Persian wars, Spartans have been the leader of Greece, but after the wars, Athens became the contender for Themistocles, symmetrically who were the leader of Athenian people wanted equality with Spartans. In the next fifty years, the two powers clashed and competed for power in the Greek world. 7. Summarize Spoken Text PTE – Listen to the audio and summarize it in your own words. TRANSCRIPT (Only for reference, it will not be given in PTE Academic Test) So, the first concept and the easiest way, i think, to understand black holes is the concept of the escape velocity. This is a piece of high school physics. Some of you may have encountered it before. And it just means how fast you have to go to escape from the gravitational field a given of object. Read full transcript SAMPLE RESPONSE: The lecture is about black holes and escape velocity which is a very important concept related to black holes. Lecturer defines escape velocity as the speed with which something will have to go to escape the gravitational field of an object, such as Earth, escaping here means going out and not falling back on the surface. 8. Summarize Spoken Text PTE – Listen to the audio and summarize it in your own words. TRANSCRIPT (Only for reference, it will not be given in PTE Academic Test) So Irving Fisher, remember, he cleared up the confusion of what interest was. He said interest is crystallized impatience. It’s not some horribly unjust thing. It’s not, as Marx thought, exploitation, but Shakespeare had discovered all this 300 years before. Now, when was your age or a little bit younger than you in high school we all had to read the Merchant of Venice. Read full transcript SAMPLE RESPONSE: The lecturer speaks about interest and he begins with the definition that Irving Fisher gave which is that the interest is crystallized impatience. The view is different from that of Marx and the lecturer says that this is discovered by Shakespeare in his work. The merchant of Venice, according to authors this book was a lot about economics in topics such as interest because of this the lecturer even thinks that Shakespeare is not only an author but also a great economist.