Vadhaiyan Ji Vadhaiyan Punjabi movie is set to get into theatres soon. Binnu Dhillon starrer movie Vadhaiyan Ji Vadhaiyan is said as a sequel of Vekh Baraatan Challiyan. But as per producers and another star cast, there is no certain link between this two movie. The poster of the movie seems somehow similar and the movie is based on the same background. Vadhaiyan Ji Vadhaiyan is based on marriage but movie don’t seem any similarity.
Binnu Dhillon has always been on the top list when it comes to stars in Pollywood industry. Earlier Binnu was only working on side role but due to huge popularity around the world, he is offered a lead role in many films. His movies also work on big screen and generate big box office collection. Just after one year, Binnu is back with another movie with Kavita Kaushik, a well-known TV star.
Vadhaiyan Ji Vadhaiyan 2018 Punjabi Movie Details
Star Cast – Binnu Dhillon, Kavita Kaushik, Gurpreet Ghuggi. B.N. Sharma, Karamjit Anmol, Upasna Singh, Jaswinder Bhalla
Director – Smeep Kang
Producer – A & A Advisors and Naughty Men
Dialogues – Rakesh Dhawan
Screenplay – Viabhav Sunman and Shreya Srivastava
Music – Jatinder Shah
Distribution – White Hill Studio
Release Date – 13 July 2018
In the first look poster of the movie, we can see Binnu Dhillon riding a big along with Kavita Kaushik. We can also see sidecars along with Bullet where Jaswinder Bhalla, Karamjit Anmol, Gurpreet Ghuggi and B.N. Sharma.
Audience wait for Binnu Dhillon and Vadhaiyan Ji Vadhaiyan is another good one from team Binnu. More information on Vadhaiyan Ji Vadhaiyan movie will be updated soon. We have also uploaded the list of Binnu Dhillon upcoming movies.
We will also update the official trailer of the movie. Get the latest update on upcoming Punjabi movies in coming years.
Vadhaiyan Ji Vadhaiyan Box Office Collection
India Gross Figures
First Day Box Office Collection – 1.42cr
Second Day Box Office Collection – 1.85 cr
Third Day Box Office Collection – 2.20 cr