IELTS Writing Task 2 Advantages And Disadvantages Of Technology

IELTS Writing Task 2 Advantages And Disadvantages Of Technology
Written by Superman

IELTS Writing Task 2 Advantages And Disadvantages Of Technology – While Information Technology has become a way of life for some, others know very little about it and are unlikely to learn. Eventually, we will have a polarised society and this will lead to serious social problems. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

IELTS Writing Task 2 Advantages And Disadvantages Of Technology

IELTS Writing Task 2 Advantages And Disadvantages Of Technology

Essay – IELTS Writing Task 2 Advantages And Disadvantages Of Technology

The speed at which information technology invades into their lived has taken many people back. However, it is a matter of serious concern that only the elite class of the society enjoys the fruits of modern technology and the rest knows nothing about it. So, it is only rational to assume that this would give birth to a segregated society.

It is a fact that for many of the everyday activities today, one has to have a minimum level of knowledge about modern technology. For example, a university student is supposed to submit assignments online. Also, some manufacturers do not distribute information leaflets but give a website address on their product packs. Last but not the least, computer skills have become a crucial requirement for employment in urban areas.

On the other hand, inhabitants of rural areas do not need new means of acquiring information in their daily life. Their work and everyday activities do not demand the use of computers. For example, a farmer can use a radio to hear the news and ordinary mail to communicate. Taking into account the fact, not every citizen can use new information technologies, governments should not change the traditional ways of interaction with their people.

In total, when one part of society uses new means of information very actively, other people stay in the dark without any chance to make an approach to understanding new technologies. These are raising awareness of this problem as both sides are moving further and further away. And the only solution out is to arrange special education programs for less educated and the less privileged.

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