Finally wait is over because Kabir Khan has announced the release date of 83

83 Movie Cast
Ranveer Singh as Kapil Dev
Ammy Virk as Balwinder Singh Sandhu
Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub as Karsan Ghavri
Ranveer Singh is very excited to be a part of Kabir Khan’s film. An it is a big opportunity for punjabi star Ammy Virk to be a part of such an extraordinary film. It is Ammy Virk’s Bollywood debut film. Till now he worked in Punjabi films which worked well at the box office.
Kabir Khan as Director
Vishnuvardhan Induri as Producer
Mukesh Chhabra as Casting Director
83 movie release date
The movie is all set to release on 10 April 2020.
83 Movie Story
It is based on the story of India’s incredible Cricket World Cup victory win in 1983. Kapil Dev was captain of the Indian cricket team and Balwinder Singh Sandhu helped India by taking wickets.
83 First Look Poster
The first look of the poster looks pretty similar to ’80s. Ranveer Singh playing
83 Movie Box Office Collection
We will update box office collection of 83 movie. Starting from day one we will update the box office collection till film does well. Kindly stay in touch and add your valuable comments in the comments section on who we can improve our blog?
Photograph Movie Box Office Collection