These days, it is possible for people to get any information easily with the help of modern technology. Do you think modern technology will soon replace books or written words as the main source of information? Internet and computers will ever replace the book or the written word. Write an essay.

Internet and computers will ever replace the book or the written word essay
Internet and computers will ever replace the book or the written word
Modern technology has leapt into every sphere of human life. Every human being, in one way or the other, is dependent on modern technology. Seeing its unmatchable ability to collect, store and distribute information in a short time, one can undoubtedly say that written words will soon be totally replaced by modern technology like the internet and computer.
Gone are the days when scribes used to make tomes of knowledge which were not available to the laymen most of the time. Moreover, those who had access to them found the information difficult to decipher. However, modern technology has changed the scenario from head to toe. Electronic media made compilation and distribution of knowledge more effective and faster. For example, with a single click of mouse one can have instant access to thousands of digital libraries around the world with innumerable number of books on almost every subject under the sun.
The old way of pondering over weighty volumes for information has become old-fashioned and a hardcore modernist may even call it erratic. In colleges today, students are given class handouts online, students search required information online and submit their assignments online. All this is done at an ease that the old generation could not even dream of. Moreover, in the fast moving modern world, time is the most precious thing. So, one cannot think about wasting time reading books; the faster the better.
In total, it is evident that the use of modern technology as the main source of information is an inescapable inevitability in the increasingly crowded and complicated modern world.