People do not
People do not favor the participation of women in army essay

Women walk shoulder to shoulder with men in every sphere of life. But, somehow, they are still lagging behind as far as armed forced are concerned. Whether women should be allowed to join the army, navy or air force is certainly a debatable topic.
Those who conform to the notion opine that women ought to be a part of the defence forces as history is witness to the valiant efforts of women soldiers whose might and bravado put even their male counterparts to shame. There are classic examples of Joan of Arc and Rani Laxmi Bai who have been there and done that. A decade and a half into the new millennium, women can do just about anything that men can.
But there are some detractors of this progressive worldview as well who believe that women perhaps are physically not as strong as men and defence would not be an apt profession for them. Those who support this view regard teaching to be a viable career cut out for women where muscle power does not come into play. Worse still are those who surmise that women should stay within the four walls of the house as taking care of the family and whatever it entails is the right job for them.
To put things into perspective, it would not be wrong to say that women have still not been given the pedestal that they are worthy of, despite having proved themselves time and again. She deserves more dynamic choices with regard to her career and her life.