Most writers do not earn enough money from their writing for a decent living. Do you think the government should give them financial assistance to help encourage good literature? or Most writers of fiction do not earn enough money to live from their writing. Write an essay and express your views.
Most writers of fiction do not earn enough money to live from their writing

Essay – Most writers of fiction do not earn enough money to live from their writing
Writing or literature is a path that many youngsters dread to choose. This is because generally, only a few in this field earn a reasonable living and the rest find their survival very difficult. In my opinion, to keep literature alive and to protect the language, governments can offer them some financial assistance.
There are some conditions under which a novelist could reasonably expect some government support. In general terms, the writers who have already proved their ability in the field have the right to expect some governmental help.
One criterion for giving financial support can be the quality of language. Language quality is difficult to define, but if the writing shows good grammar, a wide vocabulary, elegance, and imagination, there is a valid reason for assisting an author to spend some time free from money problems. In addition, the entertainment value of a book would also be a factor in deciding whether to assist an author. Further consideration would include social and educational values expressed in the work.
However, socially irresponsible writing should not be promoted. For example, if the stories contain unnecessary violence or vulgarity, there is no use of governmental support. Also, writers of very popular books who are financially strong need not be supported. Views on the quality of writing will vary widely. So, there should be a government panel which consists of experts in the field to take a decision on whom to be supported
In total, one can undoubtedly say that literature deserves financial support from the government for survival.