Crime Against Women Essay for Class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and college students. Find paragraph, long and short essay on crime against women in India Essay for Students.

Essay on Crime Against Women
Crime Against Women Essay For Students
Aggression, violence, and crime against women who comprise about 49 percent of the population is a serious issue for all of us. India is traditionally a male-dominated country where women have to face various violence in professional and personal life. They suppressed and subjugated by the men in this patriarchal society. Every day we hear about women victims and they way society humiliate, exploit and torture.
In present scenario cases of murder, rape, molestation, sexual abuse, and eve-teasing etc. Women feel discrimination, harassment and domestic violence etc at work. Use of money and muscle power to save accused. Politics in the name of caste, religion etc take benefit as well. India at 108th place according to Global Gender Gap Index 2017. A 2017 report by Global Peace Index had claimed India to be the fourth most dangerous country for women travelers.
The government has taken various steps like Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961, Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, The Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013 and Indian Divorce Act, 1969 to help women in society. Awareness among women and strict punishment for culprits in the law.
Parents should start prevention at an early age. Nowadays education and working with young boys and girls promoting respectful relationships and gender equality. More laws for protecting women and adding these cases into fast track courts. Training for self-defense/martial arts etc should be tough in school. Capital punishment for heinous crimes like rape, acid attack etc should be given.
Violence against women and girls is rooted in gender-based discrimination and social norms. Women are so helpless in the Indian society where many female goddesses are worshipped but still people don’t respect women. It is high time when the social revolution is needed to root out this evil from Indian society and given respect and recognition to our women.