Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Essay – Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Essay for Class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Find paragraph, long and short essay on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao for Students. Learn everything about Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Essay in 300 words and Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Essay in 350 words.
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Essay

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Essay
Learn Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Essay 250 Words
This scheme was launched by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 22nd of January 2015. A scheme of the Ministry Women and Child Development, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and Ministry of Human Resource Development To improve the drastic condition of the girl child in the Indian society and to create awareness among people and address the issue of declining child sex ratio – 927/1000 in 2001, reduced to 918/1000 in 2011. A girl child faces discrimination in terms of education, health, nutrition, safety, rights, and other needs. A way to achieve positive changes in our negative mindset for girls.
This scheme has divided into two components – Mass communication and multi sectoral action in 100 districts. Initial corpus of 100 crores. Sakshi Malik (Olympic medalist) was made brand ambassador of this scheme. Sex selective abortion, female feticide and female infanticide have reduced CSR.
Dowry system and other social evils have made the female child a burden (social thinking). Sukanya Samridhi Yojana for financial help and free education for the girl child is provided. We should celebrate the birth of a girl child, promote equality and equal opportunity to the girl child. Efforts to eradicate social evils like Dowry and child marriage. This will encourage women for higher education, jobs, sports, business etc.
We need mobilisation and large-scale social campaign. Proper village level education implementation of all government schemes. This scheme is very important for personal and professional development of women and to prevent the infringement to the interests of girls as a result of outdated and conservative thoughts. Such initiatives will surely change the deplorable condition of girls in our society.
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Essay 300 Words
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao is a government social scheme. This scheme was launched by the Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi on 22nd of January in 2015 at Panipat, Haryana on Thursday. The purpose of launching this scheme was generation awareness as well as improving the efficiency of welfare services for women and girl child in the Indian society. This scheme has been launched by keeping in mind to prevent sex determination, female feticide, save girl child, ensure the safety of girl child, as well as provide quality education to them.
Women are a very important part of our society. But the rising crimes against women has resulted in a regular decreasing sex ratio of females in India. It has become very crucial to saving the girl child to maintain the male-female sex ratio and also the balance of nature become males and females are meant to coexist in nature. Many initiatives are taken by Indian Government and NGOs to protect and save the girl child. It is a tri-ministerial effort of Ministries of Women and Child Development, Health & Family Welfare and Human Resources Development.
After the birth of a girl child, she has to face another type of discrimination in terms of education, health, nutrition, safety, rights, and other needs of the girl child. We can say that women were dis-empowered instead of being empowered. In order to empower women and give them their full rights right from their birth government of India has launched this scheme.
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao scheme is the way to achieve positive changes in the human negative mindset for girls. This scheme may make a call to people to end the discrimination between sons and daughters and work as a key to end female filicide. While launching the scheme, Prime Minister reminded to the whole medical fraternity that the purpose of the medical profession is to save lives and not finish lives.
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Essay 300 Words
“Every Man Needs A Mother, Wife, Sister Then Why Not A Daughter??
Above statement wants to convey that girl child is important for the family and society. But girl child was killed in foetus itself. To save girl child, our PM Modi launched a scheme BETI BACHAO, BETI PADHAO on 22 January 2015. It is a national initiative jointly run by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and the Ministry of Human Resource Development.
The objective of this scheme is to prevent gender-biased sex-selective elimination, ensure survival and protection of the girl child and ensure the education of the girl child. This scheme has two components. First, it aims to address the issue of declining Child Sex Ratio (CSR) through a mass campaign across the country. Second, multi-sectoral interventions in gender critical districts to cover all states and UTS.
The scheme was launched with an initial funding of 100 crores. It mainly targets states like Haryana, U.P, Bihar, Uttarakhand, Delhi which has less sex ratio if compare to other states. The government has started a social media campaign to promote this scheme. This scheme is needed in our country because the 2011 census shows that the child sex ratio is 918 which is very low.
The challenges which this scheme is facing are from society because still, people think boy child is better than girl child. To ensure the success of this scheme we need to stop early and forced marriage, end the dowry system, promote the concept of simple weddings, introduce gender equality in the syllabus of schools.
There is a need to educate people at the grassroots level about the rights of the girl child. This will help in ensuring the development of girl child.
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Essay 350 Words
‘A woman is like a pack of tea bag, you cannot imagine how strong she is until it is dipped into hot water.’
It is said by Swami Vivekanand that “if you want to see a growth of a particular country just see at the percentage of educated women in that country.” Women are like a pillar of a society or a country. She plays an equal role as a man does in the development. In India, the sex ratio is decreasing day by day.
People in countries like India are narrow mind and they feel that a girl child would become a burden to them. They put the restriction on girls as they think that the face or environment is not safe for them. Because India has around 70 per cent population in rural areas as they don’t give much attention to education especially in the case of girls. Due to lack of educated for girls deprive them of thinking what is right and what is wrong. They think their future will be confined within the kitchen.
The campaign Beti Bachao Beti Phadao then come into light by our honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi in August 2014. The campaign started successfully from Sonipat in Haryana because Haryana has the lowest sex ration. This campaign is giving an opportunity to every girl child by awarding her 6000 on her birth and by giving scholarships if get clears the twelfth class.
If the women is well educated then she would be aware enough to teach her own son or daughter. She can acknowledge and show them the right path and that would be for the battlement of the society. An educated woman knows how to nurture her family. The campaign is bringing a change in the society as now we see there are few numbers of female foeticide. People now understand that there is no difference between boys and girls and they are they are trying to give equal opportunities to all of them. We hope in the coming year the sex ration would increase. We hope we should empower women, give equal opportunity and educate them not for themselves but for the betterment of our society and for the development of our nation.
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Essay 350 Words
Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi has launched a scheme for girls named Beti Bachao Beti Padhao. The prime motive of this scheme is to save the girl child and educate the girl child all over India. The programme was launched in Panipat, Haryana on the 22nd of January, 2015.
The purpose of launching this scheme was generating awareness as well as improving the efficiency of welfare services for women and girl child in India society. It is a joint initiative of the Ministry of Women and Child Development, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and the Ministry of Human Resource Development.
There are three main Objectives of this scheme –
1. Preventing sex-selective abortion
2. To ensure the survival and protection of a girl child
3. To ensure the education of the girl child
Basically, this scheme is to make people aware of the importance of girl child. In any society, there is a need to girl child to continue generation. The government want some positive changes in the people mindset towards girl child according to census data of 2001, the child sex ratio of age group 0-6 years was 927 girls/1000 boys in our country. It was seen a huge drop in the sex ratio of 918 girls/1000 boys in 2011. There is a huge reduction in the number of girls is because of the practice of aborting a female fetus (an unborn human baby) after sex determination through modern diagnostic tools in the hospitals.
In order to empower women and give them their full rights right from their birth government of India has launched this scheme. Beti Bachao Beti Padhao scheme shows huge impact national wide. The campaign focuses on multi-sector action in 100 selected districts with low child sex ratio, covering all States and union territories.
People should celebrate the birth of their girl child and education them with full responsibly as they do their boy child.