Electoral Reforms in India essay for Class 10, 11, 12 and college students. Find a paragraph, long and short essay on Electoral Reforms in India for Students. Learn everything about Electoral Reforms in India Essay in 300 words.
Electoral Reforms in India Essay in English

Essay On Electoral Reforms in India
Electoral Reforms in India Essay 300 Words
India is the largest democracy in the world. Elections are the most important and internal part of the democratic system of governance. Elections are controlled by the Election Commission of India. But there is many ills and distortions in the process of election and they need immediate remedy. Over the years, the Election commission, through electoral reforms, has transformed the election process. This practice leads to a transparent and accountable election system. But still, a lot is pending. Citizen is the most powerful tool of any democracy. So empowering them should be the sole motive of any electoral process.
Money, muscle power and booth capturing are some of the big problems to be resolved till date. Criminalization of politics i.e 36% of MPs and MLAs facing trial in 3,045 criminal cases. More than 12 fast-track courts across the country to try such cases, misuse of Government machinery, lack of moral values in Politic etc. Another issue is lowering of voting age (1988-21 to 18), Deputation to Election Commission, Disqualification on Conviction for Insulting the National Honors Act, 1971, Electronic Voting Machine (1998 – Raj, MP, Delhi), Restriction on exit polls, Ceiling on election expenditure, Awareness Creation, NOTA (right to reject).
The government should not interfere in the electoral commission process. Law should be passed to bring Political parties under the ambit of RTI act. Election commission should conduct Union and State legislatures election at the same time. Transparent election funding and disclosing source of funds should be given before filing political party’s name.
In conclusion, there should be free and fair elections. There should not be any manipulation and Election commission should maintain its integrity. Fair elections are very important for strengthening the world’s largest democracy. Wrong going like crime, corruption, and money power have the potential to poison our democracy. The duty to deepen the democratic values like in the electoral process of the country. Hence, Electoral Reforms in India are the need of the hour.