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Essay on Farmer Suicide in India

Farmer Suicide Essay
Essay on Farmer Suicide 300 Words
We live in a country where over half the population is dependent on agriculture, farming. It has become consistently ignored at a steep cost to farmer’s lives. It is sad that farmer suicide have been taking place across India for years now. Studies of rural distress reveal the deeply-rooted, such as lack of irrigation, unsuitability of seeds, fragmentation of land and inadequate source of credit.
Agricultural income increased by less than 8% over the last four years in India. Demand for loan waiver and increasing MSP. Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojna, Fasal Bima Yojna, national e-market, soil card health. Almost 300,000 Indian farmers have committed suicide since 1995 and over 12,000 suicides were reported in the agricultural sector every year since 2013.
The basic cause behind this is below average rainfall/monsoon, climate change, cyclone, drought etc. Government neglect farmers by the government, burden of loan. The government announced loan waivers many time but implementation has been tardy. Nearly 70% of India’s 90 million agricultural households spend more than they earn on average each month. The government should double the minimum support price, better irrigation facilities for farmers, treated seeds and better fertilizers. Increase in use of better technology in farming. Encouraging mixed farming, middlemen should be eliminated and the government should directly buy from farmers.
Farmers must be educated about new and modern farming techniques. Agriculture share 17% in the national gross domestic product and with 22 percent of the total population engaged in farming as per 2011 census. The overall health of the agriculture sector is vitally important. Numerous strategies being followed for reducing farmer suicide need to be re-evaluated and strictly implemented as well.