Essay on Pollution – Pollution Essay for Class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Find a paragraph, long and short essay on Pollution in India for Students.
Essay on Pollution For Students

Pollution Essay in English
Essay on Pollution 250 Words
Pollution is appropriately defined as a change in physical or chemical aspects of environment due to adulteration in our surrounding. Pollution is mainly of three types: air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution. In recent years noise is also seen as a major pollution. Air pollution mainly caused by semi particulate matter on the other hand water pollution is caused by untreated water discharge from various industries containing a surplus amount of toxic chemicals. Excessive use of fertilizer mainly chemical fertilizers without proper knowledge had led to a tremendous deposit of harmful chemicals in soil over a long period of time and ultimately deteriorating soil quality in the long run. Westernization has led to the craze of loud music which is a constituent of noise pollution.
Effects of pollution include skin diseases, kidney and heart discussed. The average lifespan of human has also decreased from 75 to 50 years. Pollution is lethal. Measures to counter pollution on chemicals for our livelihood and proper waste disposal chemicals for the various sector. The government has passed many acts and laws regarding ways to tackle pollution but that only half the battle won.
Various type of dangerous diseases such as cancer, heart attack, shortness of breath, cough, eye irruption, and allergies are increasing due to pollution. Until we join hands to stop and start operating at our local level to counter this global threat. Unless we take any step to prevent pollution ourselves, we cannot overcome this problem. Therefore, we should try to reduce it together, otherwise, it will be very difficult for the survival of mankind.
Essay on Pollution 400 Words
Pollution is the situation when the presence of unwanted elements in the environment increase in excessive amount. There are many types of pollution such as air pollution, water and noise pollution etc. The problem of pollution is one of the most serious problems facing by human society. In the past few decades, pollution is increasing rapidly, which is a serious problem not only for the country but the entire world. The main reason for this terrible social problem is increase the use of industrialisation, deforestation, urbanisation, and the natural substance of contaminating natural resources.
In ancient time, getting resources from nature was a common thing for human. At that time very few people could imagine that the indiscriminate use of resources could create such a big problem for human beings. It seemed that the reserves of nature were unlimited, which would never end but as the population started to grow, the exploitation of natural resources continued to increase.
The construction of machines made this work even faster. The impact of the industrial revolution began to appear on the environment. Forest was replaced by big buildings. Factories started to open and the problem of pollution arose on our heads, which is now very difficult to reduce, though the government is constantly engaged in this effort.
Air Pollution – The main reason for this problem is numbest of growing automobile, the presence of poisonous gases, the smoke of industrial companies etc. The air in which we breath is becoming the cause of our lung disorder.
Water Pollution – It is also caused by various reasons. Such bacteria, viruses and harmful chemicals, some dangerous pesticides. Organic compounds such as fungicide, ether benzene, industrial ash, waste etc. which makes drinking water poisoning too.
Noise Pollution – The main reason of noise pollution is the loud noise due to the increasing population, noise from the factories, noise of vehicles, instruments and various types of sound coming from all four directions. In metros, noise pollution is crossing its peak.
Various types of dangerous diseases such as cancer, heart attack, shortness of breath, cough, eye irritation, and allergies are increasing due to pollution. Unless we take any step to prevent pollution ourselves, we cannot overcome this problem. Therefore, we should try to reduce it together, otherwise, it will be very difficult for the survival of mankind.
Essay on Pollution 400 Words
Our planet Earth is the only planet in our solar system which has life on it. The presence of various components like air, water, land, plants, atmosphere etc., are crucial for the healthy survival of human beings and other living things. Any kind of depletion of these components, further challenges the existence of life on earth.
Pollution is the presence of harmful substances in the air, water or land. Pollution disturbs the balance of our ecosystem and also contributes towards global warming. It also affects our surroundings which further gives rise to human illnesses. Pollution has reached its peak due to the advancement of the technology. People have become prisoners of their own creations. We are ruining our environment and also misutilization our natural resources without a thought that our actions cause a serious problem.
Pollution can be of many types like air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution etc. Smoke from vehicles and release of harmful gasses from factories, fours the air. Garbage from houses, chemicals and fertilisers used in agriculture, pollutes the land. Washing clothes and utensils in rivers and lakes and also release of dirty water from drains into them, is causing water pollution.
Our forefathers passed on a clean earth to us. If pollution continues at the present rate we may not be able to leave a healthy earth for our future generations. So we have to make efforts to reduce the pollution and retain the beauty of the planet. In order to flight, this menace of pollution vigorous efforts must be taken. Anti-pollution laws should be strictly implemented. General awareness is also required to fight this problem. All nations in the world should work united to control this problem.
We must restrict the use of vehicles and use only eco-friendly vehicles. Factories must be located in the areas far away from places where people live. Waste must be treated and made harmless before dumping into water bodies. The use of plastic bags must be reduced. Reducing deforestation and increasing afforestation will also help to curb this problem.
Environment and human beings, both are incomplete without each other. The problem of pollution cannot be solved without our serious and continuous efforts to protect and preserve our environment. We should try our best to maintain the healthy environment for the natural processes to function properly and efficiently.