Euthanasia essay for Class 10, 11, 12 and college students. Find a paragraph, long and short essay on Euthanasia for Students. Learn everything about Euthanasia Essay in 250 words and Euthanasia Essay in 300 words.
Euthanasia Essay

Essay on Euthanasia
Euthanasia Essay 250 words
The right to life includes the right to live with dignity. But there is a pain, is there any dignity? Euthanasia or mercy killing referee to a deliberate action taken with the intention of ending a life, in order to relieve persistent suffering.
On March 7th 2018 the Supreme court of India legalized passive euthanasia by means of the withdraw of life support to patients in a permanent vegetative state. Voluntary euthanasia is currently legal in Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland and some states of USA.
The path-breaking judgment in Aruna Shambag vs Union of India (2011) brought the issue of Euthanasia into the public domain. It is of two types – Passive Euthanasia means withdrawal of life support to endure death in a natural way. Active Euthanasia is when someone uses lethal substance or faces to end a patient’s life. Section 309 of the Indian Penal Code prescribes punishment for attempting suicide. So it is important for those who are suffering from terminal diseases.
The apex court permitted it under the strict supervision of High Court because it provides quality of life, dignity and resources. However, some challenges like moral and religious agreement, possible recovery of mental illness, promoting palliative care etc and against it.
As we know the rate of population in India is very high due to which a number of people are terminally ill and every state is trying, but still there are some patients who don’t get proper care. Proper regulation is needed for patients who don’t get support. Providing “Right to die with dignity is as important as providing the right to life”.
Euthanasia Essay 300 words
Mercy death or Euthanasia refers to deliberate action taken with the intention of ending a life, in order to relieve persistent suffering. Euthanasia has long been a controversial and emotional topic. On 7 March 2018 the Supreme Court of India legalized passive euthanasia by means of the withdrawal of life support to patients in a permanent vegetative state. Voluntary euthanasia is currently legal in Belgium, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Switzerland and some states of the USA.
The path-breaking judgment in Aruna Shanbaug v. Union of India (2011) brought the issue of euthanasia into the public domain. The court permitted passive euthanasia for terminally ill patients under the strict supervision of the High Court. Passive euthanasia means withdrawing life support to induce death in a natural way. Cost of treatment is so high. It is prevalent in India Active euthanasia is when someone uses lethal substances or forces to end a patient’s life.
Article 21 of the Constitution gives us the right to life. The right to life includes the right to live with dignity. But when there is pain is there dignity? Section 309 of the Indian Penal Code prescribes punishment for attempting suicide. So euthanasia is important for those who are suffering from terminal diseases. Favor – quality of life, dignity, resources. Against – moral and religious arguments, possible recovery, mental illness, regulation, promoting palliative care.
Euthanasia is important for countries like India where the number of terminally ill patients is very high and the state doesn’t have enough resources for all. Proper regulation is needed for such cases. Convincing religious beliefs against premature death is a big challenge. Preventive treatment is very important to avoid such stage. Providing “right to die with dignity” is as important as providing “right to life”.