Mahatma Gandhi Essay – Mahatma Gandhi Essay for Class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Find paragraph, long and short essay on Mahatma Gandhi for Students.
Mahatma Gandhi Essay

Mahatma Gandhi Essay in English
Mahatma Gandhi was a great freedom fighter who spent his whole life in the struggle for the Independence of India. Mahatma Gandhi is very famous in India as “Bapu” or “Rastrapita”. The full name of Mahatma Gandhi is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. He was born on 2nd of October in 1869 in Porbandar, Gujarat, India. This day is also celebrated as Gandhi Jayanti.
He completed his schooling in India and went to England for further studies of law. He returned to India as a lawyer and started practising law. He started helping people of India who were humiliating and insulted by the British rule. After his return to India, he joined Indian national congress as a member.
He was the great leader of the Indian Independence movement who struggled a lot for the freedom or Sandi March in 1930. He inspired lots of Indians to work against British rule for their own independence.
As a great freedom fighter, he got arrested and sent to jail many times but he continued fighting against British rule for the justice of Indians. After his lots of struggles with many Indians, finally, he became successful in making India an independent country on 15th of August in 1947. He died on 30th of January in 1948. Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated by Nathuram Godse.
Mahatma Gandhi Essay 200 Words
Mahatma Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar India. Gandhi’s real name is Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi. He is called Mahatma because Mahatma means “Great Soul” and was called this for his mind on sense. He did not live for self, but spent his whole life for the good of his country and its people. He was a man of firm determination and strong willpower.
Gandhi got married at the age of 13 to a woman named Kashturba. Gandhi moved to England to study law and politics and started to work at a law firm soon realising he could not succeed in this profession. He then went to South Africa and lived there for twenty-one years. He worked on achieving the Indian rights bill. At that time Indians were ridiculed everywhere and could not even walk down the street. He was also a very good writer.
His autobiography ‘My Experiments with Truth’ is a true picture of his life. It was, however, very sad and tragic that this devotee of ‘non-violence’ was shot dead on January 30, 1948, by Nadhuram Godse. A shocked India and saddened world mourned his death.