Reading And Writing Fill In The Blanks PTE Questions – In the text below some words are missing. Choose the correct word to fill each blank from the box below. There are more words than you need to complete the exercise.
Reading And Writing Fill In The Blanks PTE

Reading And Writing Fill In The Blanks PTE Questions with Answers
Question 1 – Reading And Writing Fill In The Blanks PTE Question.
In the text below some words are missing. Choose the correct word to fill each blank from the box below. There are more words than you need to complete the exercise.
energy, materials, objects, force, rise, debris, comes, rubbish
As we know from tsunamis, when water is moving at 50 or 60 kilometers as hour it becomes deadly. Even if a wave only (1)__________ up to the knees, the (2)__________ can knock a person down. Water flows around some obstacles, while slamming into large (3)__________, such as walls, which stand in its way. It also gathers (4)__________, like rocks and trees, as it flows, causing even more destruction when it crashes into buildings.
Answer –
1. comes (This forms the phrasal verb ‘comes up to’, which means “reaches”)
2. force (We need a noun for what knocks a person down)
3. objects (We need a plural noun)
4. debris (The noun ‘debris’ refers to the material picked up by the tsunami)
Question 2 – Reading And Writing Fill In The Blanks PTE Question.
In the text below some words are missing. Choose the correct word to fill each blank from the box below. There are more words than you need to complete the exercise.
self-reflection, access, remembering, surer, unique, devised, process, strength, distinct, pinpointed
Researchers have (1)__________ a brain region monkeys use to evaluate their ability to recall memories. To date, this metamemory (2)__________, which requires a higher level of (3)__________ about our own cognition, was thought by some to be (4)__________ to humans, though this research suggests otherwise. Evaluating one’s own memory requires (5)__________ to information about the (6)__________ of memory traces, though the brain structures and neural mechanisms involved in this effort – and whether they are (7)__________ from normal memory recall – remain unknown. Here, to shed light in this space, scientists (8)__________ a metamemory test in which macaques judged their own confidence in (9)__________ past experience; the animals opted for higher bets on the outcome of a memory recall test when they were (10)__________ their memory judgements were correct.
Answers – 1. pinpointed 2. process 3. self-reflection 4. unique 5. access 6. strength 7. distinct 8. devised 9. remembering 10. surer
Question 3 – Reading And Writing Fill In The Blanks PTE Question.
alone, clear, examples, risk, becoming, own, positives, most, process, operating
Starbucks, Subway & Skechers are all (1)__________ of successful franchises, however McDonald’s is probably the (2)__________ successful franchise on the planet and is one that you have no doubt heard of. With over 90% of its restaurants (3)__________ as a franchise in over 100 different countries, McDonald’s is a great example of how the franchising model can be a success for both the franchisor and franchisee. One of the (4)__________ advantages of purchasing a franchise such as McDonald’s is that the franchisee doesn’t have to establish their (5)__________ brand and reputation. They are piggybacking on an established brand name and well recognised reputation. Like in the field of the healthcare industry there is PCD pharma franchise based India top healthcare company. Brands with a good reputation are not easy to build and franchising cuts out this (6)__________ of building a brand for the business owner. Another advantage is that you are buying into an established business and because of this the (7)__________ of failure is much lower than going it (8)__________. McDonald’s has a proven track record with the average UK franchise having annual sales between 1.5 and 4.3 million pounds, making the prospect of (9)__________ a McDonald’s franchisee a very sought-after option. Support, advice and training are also (10)__________ of investing in a franchise.
Answers – 1. examples 2. most 3. operating 4. clear 5. own 6. process 7. risk 8. alone 9. becoming 10. positives
Question 4 – Reading And Writing Fill In The Blanks PTE Question.
powering, mysterious, evidence, bursts, intelligence
The search for extraterrestrial (1)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ has looked for many different signs of alien life, from radio broadcasts to laser flashes, without success. However, newly published research suggests that (2)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ phenomena called fast radio bursts could be (3)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ of advanced alien technology. Specifically, these (4)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ might be leakage from planet-sized transmitters (5)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ interstellar probes in distant galaxies.
For Answers Click HereQuestion 5 – Reading And Writing Fill In The Blanks PTE Question.
relative, focus, host, astrophysical, points
To power a light sail, the transmitter would need to (1)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ a beam on it continuously. Observers on Earth would see a brief flash because the sail and its (2)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ planet, star and galaxy are all moving (3)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ to us. As a result, the beam sweeps across the sky and only (4)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ in our direction for a moment. Repeated appearances of the beam, which were observed but cannot be explained by cataclysmic (5)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ events, might provide important clues about its artificial origin.
For Answers Click HereQuestion 6 – Reading And Writing Fill In The Blanks PTE Question.
connect, numerous, structure, passively, generate
The research focused on the (1)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ and function of dendrites, which are components of neurons, the nerve cells in the brain. Neurons are large, tree-like structures made up of a body, the soma, with (2)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ branches called dendrites extending outward. Somas (3)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ brief electrical pulses called “spikes” in order to (4)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ and communicate with each other. Scientists had generally believed that the somatic spikes activate the dendrites, which (5)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ send currents to other neurons’ somas, but this had never been directly tested before.
For Answers Click HereQuestion 7 – Reading And Writing Fill In The Blanks PTE Question.
fluctuations, generated, computation, demonstrated, currents
Scientists have generally believed that dendrites meekly sent (1)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ they received from the cell’s synapse (the junction between two neurons) to the soma, which in turn (2)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ an electrical impulse. Those short electrical bursts, known as somatic spikes, were thought to be at the heart of neural (3)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ and learning. But the new study (4)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ that dendrites generate their own spikes 10 times more often than the somas. The researchers also found that dendrites generate large (5)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ in voltage in addition to the spikes; the spikes are binary, all-or-nothing events.
For Answers Click HereQuestion 8 – Reading And Writing Fill In The Blanks PTE Question.
laboratory, placing, activity, dendrites, involves
Recent studies in brain slices showed that (1)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ can generate spikes. But it was neither clear that this could happen during natural behaviour, nor how often. Measuring dendrites’ electrical (2)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ during natural behaviour has long been a challenge because they’re so delicate: In studies with (3)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ rats, scientists have found that (4)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ electrodes in the dendrites themselves while the animals were moving actually killed those cells. But the UCLA team developed a new technique that (5)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ placing the electrodes near, rather than in, the dendrites.
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