Smoking Should Be Banned In Public Places IELTS Essay – It has been proved that smoking Kills. In some countries, it has been made illegal for people to smoke in all public places except in certain areas. All countries should make these rules. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Smoking Should Be Banned In Public Places IELTS Essay

Smoking Should Be Banned In Public Places IELTS Essay
Generally, smoking is considered a bad habit. The ill effects of smoking are well publicized. Still, it is ironic to note that the number of smokers is always on increase despite relentless measures from the part of governments. So, the opinion that smoking in public places should be banned seems a rational one.
First of all, there is undeniable proof to believe that cigarettes cause lethal diseases. It is more alarming that a person in the near vicinity of a smoker faces more bad effects than the smoker does. So, allowing smoking in public places amounts to violating the right for a smoke-free environment.
However, there is an argument that banning smoking in public places does away with the human rights of smokers. They also claim that as far as tobacco products are sold publically and advertised through media, preventing smoking will not yield any fruitful effect, it can only act as a gimmick.
So, what can be done is to adopt a middle path. It involves starting smoking zones in public places like bus stations and airports. In every office, there should be a separate area for the smokers where they can smoke.
From the above discussion, it is evident that banning smoking in public places is a necessity for the health of common citizens. However, a total ban on tobacco products only can bring the desired results.