Uniform Civil Code essay for Class 10, 11, 12 and college students. Find a paragraph, long and short essay on Uniform Civil Code for Students. Learn everything about Uniform Civil Code Essay in 300 words, Uniform Civil Code Essay in 350 words and Uniform Civil Code Essay in 600 words.
Uniform Civil Code Essay

Essay On Uniform Civil Code
Uniform Civil Code Essay 300 Words
It is said “all men Are Born equal” but this Equality Fades away in the Real world. Article-14 and Article-15 of our Constitution nurtures equality to women. Certain religious personal Laws Like triple talaq, polygamy, succession rights hamper social and personal- rights of women. To eradicate this, implementation of Uniform Civil Code (UCC) is an immediate need. Aimed At bringing all Indian Citizens under one umbrella of law, Order and justice this Code will do away with discriminatory practices against women.
To eradicate this, implementation of Uniform Civil Code(UCC) is an immediate need. Aimed at bringing all Indian Citizens under one umbrella of law, Order and justice of code will do away with discriminatory practices against women. Social reforms Like gender equality creates harmony And Help in decreasing discrimination against women who directly and indirectly help in the economic growth of the Nation. UCC provides a constitutional shield against Arbitrary atrocities and malpractices, it gives Freedom in personal matters like marriage, divorce, inheritance and guardianship.
UCC is opposed, as for some it, trespasses and tampers with their code of conduct. Both Hindu and Muslim conservatives despise UCC as they loathe and scorn at the idea of giving up their male privileges. For effective implementation of UCC a central, state and village level vigilance and arbitration department must be set up. These Departments would counsel and help to resolve family disputes amicably. Empowerment of national schemes like ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ can further bridge the gap of inequality. UCC would equally help men who sometimes fall victim to harassment and injustice. Hence, if India commits to become a developed nation it should adopt the good laws of those nations and UCC is one of them.
To conclude UCC would garner real secularism As all citizen would be equal before law. It would integrate India by reducing vote bank politics and by upholding. The position of women in Indian society.
Uniform Civil Code Essay 350 words
India has the multiplicity of family laws based on different religions like Muslims, Hindus, Jews etc. To counter their separate personal laws government made Uniform Civil Code. These laws are communal insofar as each community or religious group has its own distinct law which is governed by their associations. With a view to achieving uniformity of law and making it equitable and non-discriminatory, the Constitution contusions Article 44 of the Directive Principles of State Policy which states that; “The State shall endeavor to secure for the citizens a uniform civil code throughout the territory of India”.
In India, laws relating to marriage, divorce, inheritance etc are governed by personal laws. Basically, the laws based on religion create discrimination at two different levels – firstly, between people of different religions. Secondly, between the two sexes. It’s for everyone but it is much helpful for women who constitute almost half the population of India, the Uniform Civil Code provide with equality and justice.
Interference and directives of Supreme Court for UCC – Shah Bano case, Mary Roy case, Sarla Mudgal case etc. The spine of controversy revolving around UCC has been secularism and the freedom of religion enumerated in the Constitution of India. This uniform civil code has social, political, and religious aspects so all the stakeholders should understand its importance. India should a uniform law dealing with marriage, divorce, succession, and maintenance.
The continuance of various personal laws which accept discrimination between men and women violates the fundamental rights and the Preamble to the Constitution which promises to secure to all citizens equality of status and is against the spirit of national integration. Indian is a secular State and it should not create any discrimination against anyone on the ground of religion. Politicians and religious parties should stay away from politics on this serious issue which promises equality to our fellow citizens. Now the religious leaders should accept the progressive nature of Indian Democracy and adopt the Uniform Civil Code.