Women Empowerment Essay for Class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Find paragraph, long and short essay on Women Empowerment in India for Students. Learn everything about Women Empowerment Essay in 200 words, Women Empowerment Essay in 250, Women Empowerment Essay in 300 words and Women Empowerment Essay in 800 words.
Women Empowerment Essay

Women Empowerment Essay in English
New Women Empowerment Essay 200 words
Women Empowerment is empowering the women to take their own decisions for their personal dependent. Women empowerment refers to the creation of an environment for women where they can make decisions of their own for their personal benefits as well as for the society. Ladies also should be given rights like men to really empower them.
They need to be strong, aware and alert every moment for their growth and development. Most common challenges are related to their education, poverty, health, and safety of the women. After the independence of our country, India had to face lots of challenges which had created a big gap between men and women especially in the fields of education.
A women can be considered with women empowerment when –
She lives her life independently according to her own lifestyle whether at home or outside. She feels free to take her own decision according to her choice. Women should now there fundamental and social rights which they get once they born. She gets equal rights in the society like a man. She feels safe and secure whether at home or outside at the workplace, street, etc. There should be respect and dignity towards women. There should not be any discrimination between women and man while giving jobs and employment. They should not be discriminated while providing any type of education.
Women Empowerment Essay 250 words
“A woman with a voice is, by definition, a strong woman.”- Melinda Gates
Above statement clearly indicates that the woman who is empowered, have a voice in the society. That’s why women empowerment is necessary. Presently, people living in the society have conscious about women empowerment.
In Vedic time, women have enough voice in society. But the condition of women has deteriorated significantly. There are many events like Sati, Johar which prove above argument. There are many barriers to women empowerment which is ingrained in cultural norms. Many a time women get accustomed to being treated inferior to men.
Empowerment of woman is a necessity for the very development of a society. It enhances both the quality and the number of human resources available for development. There are many ways to achieve women empowerment. Like empower women economically by providing economic independence to men or provide reservation in Parliament and legislature or give education to the women. We can use the internet as a tool by which women are able to empower themselves by organizing campaigns and voicing their opinions.
The government has also taken many steps to empower women. Schemes like Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao aims to save women and give education to them. In Stand Up India scheme, government support women entrepreneurship by giving a loan to them. Millennium Development Goals and Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations also talks about women empowerment.
There is a need to change the mindset of the society which still thinks women are inferior to men. Civil society and people have to spread awareness about the benefits of women empowerment to fulfil the dream of shining India.
Women Empowerment Essay 250 words
“To awaken the people, it is the women who must be awakened. Once she is on the move, the family moves, the village moves, the nation moves.”
– Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
Women empowerment refers to providing women with the opportunities and the independence so that they can take decisions concerning their well being and can contribute to the upliftment of society. Cancer of the society in the form of female foeticide, female infanticide, sexual harassment, domestic violence, dowry killing, illegal trafficking and prostitution have been the major hurdle of women empowerment movement.
Many programmes such as Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, Swadhar Greh Yojna and Nari Shakti Puruskar have been implemented by the government in order to bring awareness in the society about the value of women in the development of the nation. Women Reservation Bill for reserving 33% seats in Lok Sabha & all states legislative assemblies for women is another such initiative aimed at increasing participation of women in decision making bodies with the ulterior motive of encouraging and empowering women of our country. It is worth noting that Self Help Groups and NGOs, working all over our country towards empowering women and spreading awareness about their rights, are increasing by leaps and bounds.
Achievements of Arundhati Bhattacharya, Kiran Bedi, Medha Patekar & Kalpana Chawla are some examples indicating that women are breaking societal barriers and proving their excellence in male dominated spheres. When women are empowered, whole family benefits and these benefits often have ripple effects on the future generations. The need of the hour is to instil this belief in every section of the society through awareness programmes and constitutional & legal provisions.
Women Empowerment Essay 300 Words
Women empowerment means emancipation of women from the vicious grip of social, economic, political, caste and gender-based discrimination. It means granting women the freedom to make life choices. Women empowerment does not mean deifying women rather it is replacing patriarchy with parity.
The need for women empowerment arose because of the gender discrimination and male domination in Indian society since ancient time. Women are been suppressed by the family members and being targeted for many types of violence and discriminatory practices. Almost 50% of the population in India is covered by the female only so the full development of a country depends on the half population means who are not empowered.
To empower the women first it needs to kill all the demons of the society, killing women’s right and values in the society such as dowry system, illiteracy, sexual harassment, inequality, female infanticide, domestic violence against women, rape, prostitution and illegal trafficking etc.
In order to empower women various steps have been taken by the government like Beti Bachao Beti padhao, Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana, to actively participate in every area 108 Constitutional Amendment Bill called women reservation bill was passed to reserve one third of seats for women in Lok Sabha, programs like International Women’s Day, Mother’s Day etc are implemented in order to bring awareness in the society about the true rights of women.
To really bring empowerment, every women needs to be aware about their rights from their own end as the most famous saying by the Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru is “To awaken the people, it is the women who must be awakened and one she is on the move, the family movies, the village moves, the nation movies”.
Women Empowerment Essay 300 Words
Women Empowerment refers to the creation of an environment where they can make the decision of their own for their personal benefits as well as for the society, where they have equal rights to participate in social, religious and political activities, and also where they get a safe and comfortable life. But why it hasn’t become so important now?
Indian society is a male-dominated society. Women face discrimination, right from birth. It starts with female child marriage, dowry system etc. They are not provided proper education and are forced to do household work. Moreover, the crime against women like, rape, domestic violence, etc have deteriorated the position of women in our society.
About half of the total population is female, but truly empowered women are few. Government is also trying to ameliorate the condition of women with schemes like “Beti Bachao Beti Padhao”, Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana”, “Ujjwala Yojana” etc. If these schemes are implemented properly it might help to some extent. But it is not enough.
The situation of women will only improve if the mentality of our society is changed. If masses are made aware of gender equality. Also, by transforming prevalent patriarchal society into an egalitarian society. Education is the most important tool. Educating girls and making them aware about their rights may bring a change. Lastly, efforts should be made to restructure the legal process to deliver fair and in-time justice for crime against women.
Achieving women empowerment may be a difficult task. It may also take time to uproot the values that are prevalent from the last 100 years. But it is not impossible. Once achieved it will not only improve the condition of women but also society and country altogether.
“There is no tool for development more effective than empowerment of women”. Kofi Annan.
Women Empowerment Essay 300 Words
Women empowerment means empowering women so that they can take their own decisions regarding their lives and well being in the family and society. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru once said, “To awaken the people, it is the women who must be awakened”. Need to kill all the demons killing women’s rights and values in the society such as dowry system, illiteracy, sexual harassment, inequality, female infanticide, domestic violence against women, rape, prostitution, illegal trafficking, and other issues. Ensuring the Right to Equality mentioned in the Constitution of India (Article 14).
Many social reformers such as Raja Rammohun Roy, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, and Jyotirao Phule started agitations for the empowerment of women. The present state of women is because of the poverty, insecurity, and illiteracy of the parents. Lower sex ratio, women are denied basic rights, ill-treated and harassed. In 2017, as many as 39 crimes against women were reported every hour in India.
Women empowerment is important for holistic development of the nation. Women should be made strong physically, mentally, financially and socially. Various steps have been taken by the government to prevent violence, social separation, gender discrimination and abuse against women. 108th Constitutional Amendment Bill (also called Women’s Reservation Bill). Maternity Relief under Article 42, Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961.
Mass campaigns need to be organized in the backward rural areas. running sustained awareness programs with the help of Nukkad Natak or dramas, radio, television, Internet, etc. Care and proper education of female child. Strong political will and proper implementation of Government schemes. Stringent laws to curb crime against women. Deliver fair and in- time justice to the victims of heinous crimes like rapes, acid attacks, sexual harassment, trafficking, and domestic violence. We have to change the male-dominated society into the equally dominated society. There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women.”—Kofi Annan
Women Empowerment Essay 400 Words
Women Empowerment is the name of that process which is all about making the place and image of women powerful in our society. It is something that we are now habitual of listening. Every now and then you can hear anyone talking about women empowerment. Not only societies and NGOs but also our governments are now taking various initiatives to empower our women.
Today you can easily see our women leading in sports, movies, education programs and in every section of society but this was not the situation in early times. There used to be the time when women were mistreated in our society. They were not only restricted to their household life but also treated like slaves. They were not allowed to move out of their homes, work and they were not allowed to take part in any decision making. In fact, there were times when they used to get burnt alive if someone’s husband died before her. This process was known as Sati Pratha.
But now the time has changed and it has all started because of some brave people like Raja Ram Mohan Roy who abolished Sati Pratha. He gave rise to modern India where women share a proper place with men of society. Today not only government but also people are becoming responsible towards the women of our society. On the one hand, the government is bringing various schemes for the betterment of women in our society like Beti Padhao, Beti Bachao Scheme, Women Helpline Scheme, SWADHAR Greh Scheme and lots more.
On the other hand, people are taking initiative by their own like they are focusing on the studies of their daughters, they are allowing them to be in sports, and they are encouraging them to be on their feet rather them forcing them to marry early. We recently saw real story based movie Dangal of Aamir Khan where a father from a small town fought with whole society to make his daughters to be wrestling champions.
So now these all efforts are showing that we are now on the right track as women are equally important in a well developed and established society and everyone who is living on earth has equal fundamental rights.
As rightly said by Hilary Clinton- Human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights, once and for all.
Women Empowerment Essay 800 words
It means emancipation of women from the vicious grips of social, economic, political, caste and gender-based discrimination. “There is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved” quoted Swami Vivekanand. He further added, “it is not possible for a bird to fly on only one wing”.
There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women. – Kofi Annan. There are two powers in the world; one is the sword and other is the pen. There is a third power stronger than both that of women. – Malala Yousafzai
Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the world. – Hillary Clinton
Its need and importance can also be understood from the fact that it was included in MDGs (Millennium Development Goals (2000-2015)) and has also been included in SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals 2016 – 2030 as Goal 5).
UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) is urging for increased measures of protection for women against sexual harassment and violence in the workplace.
Women Empowerment Demands
1. There should be respect and dignity towards Women.
2. Human right or individual right-self-confidence to negotiate and decide.
3. Gender equality-same opportunities, outcomes, rights, obligations etc.
4. Education- to make them aware of their rights and to develop the confidence to claim
5. Economic and occupational empowerment -to make them financially independent.
6. Legal empowerment to address the gaps between what law prescribes and what really happens.
7. Political empowerment – To address the needs and to include the thoughts of almost half of the population in political decision making and governance.
8. They should have a safe and secured working location with proper privacy.
9. They should make their decision, by their own choice.
Women Empowerment Benefits
1. Currently, most women are under-employed or unemployed. As a result of which the economy suffers. It should not happen when they are equally competent and intelligent or even ahead in many socio-economic activities. So women empowerment will lead to Global development.
2. Reduction in domestic violence.
3. Reduction in corruption as they will be able to stop people from cheating them.
4. Reduced poverty – added earnings – the better welfare of kids & good education.
5. National development – become the pride of their country and for humanity at large.
1. Biased perspective-right from birth.
2. Patriarchal society.
3. Gaps in the implementation of schemes. e.g. PNDTA (Pre-natal diagnostic
technologies act) Janani Suraksha Yojana. Nation Rural Health mission. Still child sex ratio? & a low MMR.
4. Loopholes in the legal structure and delays in the judiciary.
5. Lack of political will e.g. Women’s reservation bill (33%) (20 years) since 1990.
Condition of women in India
Enjoyed high states in Rig-Vedic time. It deteriorated later on as education, widow remarriage, property inheritance etc were denied.
Child marriage, dowry system, sati pratha, devdasi pratha etc were prevalent. Improved to some extent in the modern era but still, a lot needs to be done.
The condition of women in India
Enjoyed high states in the rig. vedic time. It deteriorated later on as education, widow remarriage, property inheritance etc were denied. Child marriage, dowry system, sati pratha, devdasi pratha etc were prevalent. Improved to some extent in the modern era but still, a lot needs to be done.
We have: Dowry prohibition act of 1961. Protection of women from domestic violence in 2005.
Sexual harassment of women at work place (prevention, protection and redress) act 2013.
Article 14 of the Indian Constitution talks about Right to equality to all.
Article 42 mentions maternity relief. Panchayati Raj Institutions – 33% reservation for women in all local bodies.
Sabla Scheme
Sabla is an initiative launched in 2012 that targets adolescent girls. The scheme offers a package of benefits to at-risk girls between the ages of 10 and 19. It is being offered initially as a pilot programme in 200 districts. The programme offers a variety of services to help young women become self-reliant, including nutritional supplementation and education, health education and services, and life skills and vocational training
National mission for empowerment of women(2010).
Mother and Child Tracking System (MCTS)
The Mother and Child Tracking System, launched in 2009, helps monitor the health care system to ensure that all mothers and their children have access to a range of services, including pregnancy care, medical care during delivery, and immunizations. The system consists of a database of all pregnancies registered at health care facilities since 1 December 2009, and all births since 1 December 2009.
In Conclusion
Empowering women socially, economically, educationally politically and legally is going to be a Herculean task. It is not going to be easy to change the culture of suppression of disregard for and confining women with boundaries.
But it does not mean that it is implausible. Only revolutions bring changes in a day, but reforms take their time. All we need is a concentrated effort focused in the right direction that would rest only with the liberation of women from all forms of evil.
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Women Empowerment Essay in Hindi, Women Empowerment Essay, Women Empowerment Essay 300 words, Women Empowerment Essay 500 words, Women Empowerment Essay 800 words, New Women Empowerment Essay, Women Empowerment Essay for PTE, Women Empowerment Essay for SSC.