Some people say that a main a reason for cigarette addiction is the uncensored TV advertising of cigarettes. For this reason, all cigarette advertising should be banned. Discuss. Here is the Cigarette Addiction Essay Sample.

Cigarette Addiction Essay Sample
Cigarette Addiction Essay
The issue of cigarette advertising is of international significance. It has been proved unquestionably that advertising is the main factor that attracts young people towards this evil though there are certainly other factors too, like peer pressure and family situations.
The most important reason why cigarette advertising should be banned is that cigarette is a serious health hazard. It causes lung cancer and heart diseases. Many people also face a slow and painful death due to a disease called emphysema.
Another important reason why cigarette advertising should be banned is that it leads to the unnecessary expenditure of money. People who become sick from smoking have to be cared for in expensive hospitals. In addition, their deaths often result in financial problems for their families.
Finally, cigarette smoking may lead to another problem called addiction. Although there is no conclusive evidence that this often happens, many experts in this area feel that there is a connection between the two. According to them, nicotine present in cigarettes is addictive when used regularly.
Perhaps, a better solution to this problem is educating young children about the dangers of taking up this habit. In addition, a heavy tax could be placed on cigarettes so that youngsters would not be able to afford them. In any case, it seems beyond any reasonable doubt that cigarette advertising should be banned.