Importance of Advertisement Essay for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and College students. Find a paragraph, long and short essay Importance of Advertisement for Students in English.
Short and Long Essay on Importance of Advertisement

Essay on Importance of Advertisement 250 Words
Advertisements make a business boom and spike profits. In business, advertisements are just the tip of the iceberg but without the tip, the iceberg would not even be visible. The world is no more a segregated patch but a unified sphere.
With increasing population, the most effective and economical way to cater to the world is by advertising your product in the smartest and shortest way possible. With the advent of technology, advertisements have had a paradigm shift from radio and flyers to social media. Advertisements must be catchy and self-explanatory, they must not demand excessive logic and must be very concise, for it may fail to seek viewers attention.
Among various types of advertising methods, social media and billboards are the most impacting. With billboards covering a certain geographical area, social media covers the entire globe. From the never-ending list, almost every business, movie, sports event, cultural activity is advertised and promoted on social media. Among all this, we should not undermine the capacity of newspaper and other print media in reaching out the people of a specific genre.
However, advertisement of liquor, gambling and can have a negative social impact and can mislead the purchasing power also. Sometimes advertising can be a big monetary burden on a company. With fewer demerits, advertisements remain the key to enhancing sales, good-will and fighting market competition. It provides employment and educates the customer of the right choices. To conclude, an advertisement is a necessity for social development.
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