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Skill India Essay

Essay on Skill India
Skill India Essay 300 words
“The more we give importance to skill development, the more competent will be our youth.”-Narendra Modi
Above statement shows that how skill is important for the development of our youth. To support this, our Prime Minister has launched SKILL INDIA initiative on 15th July 2015. This initiative is implemented by Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship.
The objective of this initiative is to train over 40 crore youth in India in different skills by 2022. It includes various initiative of the government like “National Skill Development Mission”, “National Policy for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, 2015”, “Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana” and the “Skill Loan Scheme”.
The main emphasis is to skill the youth in such a way that they get employment. Under this scheme training, support and guidance would be providing for all occupations. The training provided would be along the lines of a global level so that youth can go to work in another country.
However, this scheme is facing many challenges. The major challenge is to address the needs of a vast population which demanded better skills to get employment in the market. Other challenges include the creation of an institutional mechanism for research development, quality assurance, and certification. In order to implement this scheme successfully, the government should give emphasis on increasing role of states and ensure gender inclusion in this scheme.
It is a good initiative taken at the right time when our 65% population are below 35 years of age. It will help India in becoming a hub of a skilled and talented workforce which can drive India on a growth trajectory.
Skill India Essay 600 words
We constantly hear of the term ‘Demographic Dividend’ and the potential benefits that we can reap from it. To make the most of it the Government of India formally launched the Skill India mission on the occasion of the first-ever World Youth Skills Day on July 15, 2015. The Government has set a target of training over 40 crore people in various skills by 2022 with the Skill India mission.
There were various initiative under this campaign like National Skill Development Mission, National Polity for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship 2015, Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY), Skill Loan Scheme and Rural India Skill.
Expected to realize the demographic dividend in the coming years, India has the potential to become the ‘human resource capital of the world just like China has become the ‘manufacturing factory’ of the world. The positive demography makes the Skill India mission very important for the overall economic growth of the country. For instance, the average age of the Indian population, in 2020, is expected to be 29 years, younger than China and the US at 37 years and Western Europe at 45 years.
The Skill India mission is expected to be the backbone for important government initiatives like Digital India, Smart Cities and Make in India. In fact, as the mission is not limited to skill, but also includes entrepreneurship, it is expected to play a critical role in further development of the booming ecosystem for first generation entrepreneurs in the country.
The magnitude of the problem has been analysed by numerous experts: for a country that adds 12 million people to its workforce every year, less than 4 percent have ever received any formal training. Our workforce readiness is one of the lowest in the world and a large chunk of existing training infrastructure is irrelevant to industry needs.
This is not as much due to lack of monetary investment as it is a predicament about grossly inefficient execution. The government spends several thousand crores every year on skill development schemes through different Central Government Ministries and State Governments. The need of the hour is to improve resource utilization and find solutions that can address the systemic and institutional bottlenecks constraining the sector.
We see a lot of mismatch in skills provided. There is a mismatch between what market is looking for and what people are trained at because of which there have been issues regarding placements.
Another challenge is the mindset of the people from the last 100s of years. People are looking at professions like doctors, engineers, charted accountants etc, but at present, there are 1600 job, roles which many even don’t know.
For example, the society may not accept a plumber even if he is earning 1lahk per month during the marriage proposal. So there is still a lot to be done in India like educational programmes especially for parents where they start sending their children towards skill development. There is a need for the mindset change. Whether it is in agriculture, manufacturing or services, we need to create respect for that particular job. Creating awareness and creating respect for skills is very important.
India’s less-privileged sections want to live with respect and that acquisition of skills will give them energy and confidence.
There will be a shortage of 55 million workforces in the world by 2022 whereas India will have a surplus of 47 million workforces. We need to create a standard for skill training and make it Transnational so that the trained worker can be absorbed world over otherwise the demographic dividend would become a challenge.
It is the time we need to start looking at the requirement of international organizations where India can become the source for hiring people. During the 1950s the mechanical revolution changed the European economy. During the 1970s it was the oil economy for the Middle East. Can’t 2020 be a manpower revolution which changes the Indian economy? The prime minister is looking for making India the skill capital of the world. India may have not become the superpower but it has the potential to achieve the human resource superpower.