Universal Basic Income essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Find a paragraph, long and short essay on Universal Basic Income for Students.
Universal Basic Income Essay

Essay on Universal Basic Income
Universal Basic Income Essay 250 Words
Universal Basic Income Essay 300 Words
“In the state of nature, everyone had claim to property so some kind of Universal Basic Income should be given to all” – Thomas Paine
Recently, many members of Parliament and economic scholars have floated the idea of UBI. It is for every citizen of the country. It is a kind of social security transfer in the form of unconditional cash transfers which citizens can utilize to fulfill their basic needs.
There are three components of UBI i.e. Universality, Unconditionality, and Agency. According to the World Bank Report, 280 million people are still below the poverty line. So we need some kind of system like UBI which give every person a right to a basic income to cover his needs.
There are many arguments in favor of UBI like it provide social justice, reduce poverty, reduce workers exploitation and it will led to a financial inclusion. But there are many objections also to the UBI like it reduces the incentive to work, regressive nature of the idea, it may become an add-on to existing scheme and it creates too much stress on the banking sector.
However, this concept is rooted in the Gandhian vision of wiping every tear from every eye. It intends to ensure basic livelihood security to every citizen. However, there are many challenges to implement this system. There is a fiscal cost of implementing UBI which government can’t afford.
So to conclude we can say that UBI is a powerful idea whose time, even if not ripe for implementation, is ripe for serious discussion. UBI may help in achieving the outcomes that Mahatma Gandhi so deeply cared about and fought for all his life.