Should the students choose their own subjects essay – Some are having the opinion that the students should be allowed to choose subjects for their own, but others are having the opinion that they should be asked to study all the subjects. To which statement do you agree? Give your reasons.
Should the students choose their own subjects

Should the students choose their own subjects essay
Education is a sensitive issue and there are a lot of controversies surrounding it. One of them is regarding selection of subject. Some are of the opinion that selecting subjects should be the total discretion of students while some others think all subjects should be taught compulsorily. In my opinion, what we need is a middle path, teaching all subjects to a certain standard and allowing personal preference thereafter.
It is an accepted fact that learning subjects of one’s own choice is interesting. In this way, children will never find study a difficult task and they may even start loving examinations as it becomes an opportunity to prove their ability in something they know and they love. Moreover, learning all subjects will lead to loss of precious time and money. It will give birth to Jacks of all trades with mastery in none. It will inevitably lead to a decline in the number of people with specialist knowledge in subjects.
Still, allowing a personal choice from the very beginning will have its negative consequences. A minimum level of knowledge in all subjects is necessary for survival. For example, without knowledge in subjects like mathematics and politics, it is not possible to live in the modern society. Hence, some people claim that wide knowledge will be more helpful than deep knowledge for a layman.
In total, the solution seems to be that all major subjects should be compulsory until children attain a certain level and then specialty should be allowed according to their own choice.