For this item type, you need to write a summary of the text in one sentence. You have 10 minutes to write your summary. Make sure to include the main points of the reading passage in a full, single sentence of no more than 75 words. Practice Summarize Written Text PTE Questions.
Summarize Written Text PTE Questions And Answers

Summarize Written Text PTE Questions
# 1. After reading a passage, write a one-sentence summary of the passage.
Tradition and commerce often clash in many cultures. In Trinidad, it is the Carnival that is the cause of current friction. The complaint, as you would expect, is that traditional skills and creativity are being lost in the rush to make profits. And the profits are large: the two-day festival, which attracts up to 40,000 tourists each year, is estimated to generate somewhere between $27 million and $100 million.
A particular problem for the traditionalists is that the extravagant colorful costumes people wear in the bands or processions are now largely being imported, especially from China. These costumes are cheaper and more revealing (another cause of complaint) than those made locally. Critics say these imports are a threat to traditional creations and, worse, mean sending work elsewhere. Others see turning the Carnival into a profitable and exportable industry as a progressive move, benefiting the country as a whole.
A large number of people are in two minds. On the one hand, the changes are a reflection of what people – mainly tourists – want, and bring in money. On the other, there is a desire to preserve traditions. The transformation of the bands and processions into businesses has disrupted the social order, which used to be made up of friends getting together to relax, eat and drink, and make costumes. Both sides agree, though, that the country needs to make better use of the skills of the people in the Carnival business and that the country’s resources must appeal to a wider market.
Sample Answer –
Critics of Trinidad’s Carnival complain that traditional skills and creativity are being lost in pursuit of profits, whereas proponents consider turning Carnival into an industry as progressive more, but both sides agree that the country needs to take better advantage of people’s skills in the Carnival business and that the country’s resources must appeal to a wider market.
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# 2. After reading a passage, write a one-sentence summary of the passage.
There are numerous secrets our planet keeps hidden from us blood falls in Antarctica, Mo Rocky borders in New Zealand, Stonehenge in Great Britain. These and many other places keep attracting people due to the mystery hidden behind their names but there is one special place that simultaneously terrifies and has unexplainable pull 300 ships gone missing, 75 aircrafts never found. You’re right that’s all about the Bermuda Triangle that proudly carries one more name ” The Devil Strike”. Despite all the theories scientists have nobody knows for sure what makes crafts disappear in the area which lies in the Atlantic Ocean between Florida, Porto Rico and Bermuda. This area is shaped like a triangle and has a huge size of approximately 270,000 square miles. Some people believe that these disappearances are the doing of sea monsters, others accuse aliens while some researchers believe in unusually strong winds that caused huge waves.
The Bermuda triangle has even been blamed for the tragedy of the Mary Celeste. The ship found adrift in the ocean years after it went missing. There wasn’t a single crew member or passenger on board nor dead or alive. Many believe that the ship got into the trap being prepared by the mysterious triangle. The most well-known example of ships disappearing in that area was the USS Cyclops an American ironclad steamer with 309 crew members on board. On the 4th of March 1918, the ship sailed towards the Bermuda Triangle with the purpose of supplying the American fleet with fuel. It vanished without any trance on a calm day and the wreckage is still not found.
Five torpedo bombers and a flying boat in 1945, a cargo ship constellation in 1943, a cargo ship El Faro in 2015, all of them and many more have been lost in the deep waters of The Devil’s Triangle. Due to the notorious fame of the area, not so many people have visited. Although Khrushchev’s sail through this region pretty often as well as private and commercial planes which fly over it every day. Few people are aware of what the life is like at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle.
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