For this item type, you need to write a summary of the text in one sentence. You have 10 minutes to write your summary. Make sure to include the main points of the reading passage in a full, single sentence of no more than 75 words. In this article, we Summarize Written Text PTE Examples with Answers.
Summarize Written Text PTE Examples with Answers

Summarize Written Text PTE Examples With Answers
# 1. After reading a passage, write a one-sentence summary of the passage.
Many people have problems with irony, both in their everyday lives and as it is used or deployed in literature. We learn early on at school about “dramatic irony”, that is, we are told, when the audience of a play is aware of some situation or circumstance or has information that one or more characters in the play do not. If you like, you are sharing a secret with the writer – you are in the know. Perhaps, as you go about your daily business, the irony is not so clear-cut.
Here’s an example: your neighbour draws your attention to how lovely the dandelions and daisies growing in your lawn is. Now, to someone not familiar with the care and attention many English people give to their gardens, this might need a bit of explanation. Lawns are grass and are cut and rolled regularly so that a professional golfer could practice his putting on it. Daisies and dandelions are weeds. For a moment – but just for a moment – you wonder how serious your neighbour is being. Does he really think the weeds are lovely or is he telling you –
in a rather superior way – that you’re a lousy gardener?
An irony, however, usually needs an audience; and not only does it need some people to get the point, it also very much needs there to be people who don’t. There is, it has to be said, a rather undemocratic air of superiority about it.
The irony is slippery, sometimes difficult to get a firm hold on, and can easily backfire, like a joke that falls flat. Those who don’t like irony – usually those who don’t get the point – argue that, in a world that is already difficult enough to deal with, why should we want to complicate things further? Why throw everything you say into doubt? Besides, there’s an unpleasant air of intellectual snobbery about it, and
that sort of thing doesn’t go down well anymore.
Sample Answer –
Irony, referring to communicating in a superior way, required not only the audience who can get the point but those who cannot as well, which creates an atmosphere of superiority, driving the opponents to argue that irony make things nowadays more complicated and may contribute to intellectual snobbery.
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# 2. After reading a passage, write a one-sentence summary of the passage.
This is the story of how my village survived Ebola. Bats brought the tiny Ebola gems, too small to see, so small yet so dangerous without realizing. Grandfather rubbed a little blood in his eye. Ebola gems came into his body. Days went by then grandfather got a terrible fever and weakness. We thought it was malaria but he was soon much worse. He had vomiting and diarrhea, his fever got even higher. I ran to get the nurse but grandfather had already died. I was heartbroken, the nest thought it might be Ebola, a disease code from bushmeat but which spreads from person to person. Others in our region had already died of this new disease. Unless we understand the disease and follow their rules. It could spread further and kill many more people. Nurse explain that Ebola was in the body fluids of someone who was sick or had died of Ebola. Their sweat, tears, mucus, saliva, vomit, diarrhea, urine, breast milk, sexual fluids and blood, when we touch a sick person’s body fluids. The Ebola gems can get into small small breaks in our skin or into our eyes, nose, or mouth. The Ebola gems spread into our body and make us sick.
When somebody died of Ebola that body is much more contagious. No one should ever touch the dead body. The nurse advised us to wash our hands with soap and water right away. She contacted the trained burial team to help us bury grandfather’s body safely. The Burial team came, they comforted us and explained what they had to do to protect us. The team wore protective clothing that kept them safe from the dangerous jams. They spread grandfather’s room and his body with chlorine to destroy the Ebola gems. They put his body safely away in a bag to prevent the spread of Ebola. No one could touch the body of anyone who had died with signs of the disease.
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