In this article, we provide quality PTE Summarize Written Text Practice Questions with Answers. In this question type, you are given a passage to read and then you have to summarize the passage in one sentence comprising 5-75 words in 10 minutes.
PTE Summarize Written Text Practice Questions

PTE Summarize Written Text Practice Test 7
# PTE Summarize Written Text Practice Question 1.
The exhibition is a very personal distillation of the events of Bryan palmer’s expeditions. Much of Bryan’s work manages to record a history of the attempts on the summit of K-2 with a large dose of nostalgia thrown in for good measure. The photographs reflect the power of human survival being pushed beyond natural limits. Take, for example, his collection of Mike Groom on the summit of Mt Cho Oyu. The agony captured in the facial shots tells so much. There is nothing serene about Palmer’s work although the beauty of the mountains is always gloriously magnified.
“Contemplating the Summit” is certainly tinged with a surreal quality. The apparent incongruity of this picture gives it a great appeal. The truth behind this photo was that Palmer lost the top of his left index finger to frostbite. He was in danger of losing nine fingers (unimaginable for a photographer). But the intervention of a skilled Australian acupuncturist, remarkably, meant he only lost the one finger top.
Sample Answer –
As a powerful record of history, the exhibition of Bryan Palmer’s photographs about his dramatic experience to conquer the summits of K-2 and Mt Cho-Oyu reflects the human spirit.
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# PTE Summarize Written Text Practice Question 2.
Welcome back to a new lesson. You know I keep telling all my students to keep practicing English but then how do you do that well. That’s what I’m gonna help you with some tips today that would improve your English language. So some changes on daily basis would definitely help you to improve your English language. The first tip that I have for you is changing your operating language on your phone and on your computer. Now this will surely help if you would end up changing your operating language on your phone as well as on your computer which most of us use it on daily basis. It will help you to learn a lot of new words. Now if you are a beginner, it will be a little difficult for you but then eventually you will help up having lots of words for your vocabulary.
Now of course, we also have options for Facebook and Twitter of using native language but instead of using a native language, switch it to English because using social networking sites which we all love, it will help you to learn new words so go ahead go under your settings and change the operating language on your phone and on your computer.
The second tip that I have for you is to read and watch the news in English. Now staying informed what’s happening in the world is a great habit but then do that in English rather than picking up your newspaper in your native language, start picking up English newspapers. Start watching BBC, CNN and trust me this would also build your listening skills. So of course watching the news is updating yourself with current affairs. So it would also help you to build your vocabulary and talk about it with your friends. So the next time you are buying a newspaper or you are watching news make sure you do that in English.
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