It is good for school and university students to take part in part-time jobs. Students Should Work Part-Time While in College. Do you agree or disagree?
Students Should Work Part-Time While in College Essay

Students Should Work Part-Time While in College Essay
With increased awareness about education among youth, the number of schools and university students is much higher than ever before. The educated class wants to be independent at an early age. A large number of school and university students are marching towards part-time jobs. As far as I am concerned, it is the need of today, and hence, justifiable.
To begin with, youngsters want to seek the responsibilities much earlier to be successful in life. They want to handle their own expenses by themselves. Independence at an early age is yet another factor which attracts the students towards job opportunities during their student life. The trend is far more popular among the students of developed countries. It is good that the students become aware of their needs and are ready to do part-time jobs in order to fulfil their needs.
Moreover, when they start working at an early age, it adds to their experience which will definitely help them in their future life. It is very difficult to survive and become successful in the competitive world. By gaining work experience at an early age, the chances of getting success are increased.
However, doing job at a very small age is unjustifiable because children are too young to differentiate between good and bad. They may lose interest in their studies and may feel satisfied with the income they get. This can seriously affect their future prospects.
To finish off, to do part-time job is a must for university students, and the students of schools must get engaged in jobs after attaining required maturity for doing the job.